Profile of the Argentine rural extensionists working in the public system

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Fernando Landini


Despite the importance of rural extension in every strategy of rural development aimed at small and medium farmers, in Argentina there are no academic papers that reconstruct in a complete and systematic way the profile of those who do rural extension work. For this reason, I conducted a quantitative, descriptive investigation of cross-sectional nature that allowed me to describe the profile of Argentine rural extensionists working in the public extension system. To this end I surveyed via email rural extensionists of INTA, ProHuerta and the Subsecretariat of Family Agriculture.The results of this investigation allowed us to contribute, using statistical tools, to the description of the profile of Argentine rural extensionists, as well as differential profiles based on gender and the institutions in which rural extensionists work


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How to Cite
Landini, F. (2013). Profile of the Argentine rural extensionists working in the public system . Mundo Agrario, 14(27). Retrieved from