Nivel de conocimiento de la nueva Ley de bosque nativo y fomento forestal: el caso de los pequeños propietarios forestales de la Cordillera de Nahuelbuta (Chile)

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Sergio Monrroy-Concha
Jimmy M. Pincheira Ulbrich


We assessed the level of knowledge of the new law of native forests and forestry development held by small forest owners in two areas of the Cordillera de Nahuelbuta in Chile. For this purpose, a survey was applied to 53 individuals (10% of households), which addressed five themes: (1) use of native forests, (2) participation in social networks and access to information, (3) general knowledge about the law, and (4) knowledge regarding the administration, and (5) promotion of the Law. The results showed that: (1) native forests used for wood and non wood products, (2) networks social and especially radio are essential for the transfer of information, (3) both the general knowledge of the law, as (4) the level of knowledge regarding the administration of the Law is insufficient, and (5) procedures are not known to be made to obtain the benefits of the Law. We concluded that: (1) the level of knowledge of the law is insufficient, (2) is essential to encourage the use of the instruments of this Law in the entire territory, so as to ensure sustainable resource use, and (3) the dissemination of the benefits of the Law must consider traditional forms of communication, level of education and culture of rural areas


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How to Cite
Monrroy-Concha, S., & Pincheira Ulbrich, J. M. (2013). Nivel de conocimiento de la nueva Ley de bosque nativo y fomento forestal: el caso de los pequeños propietarios forestales de la Cordillera de Nahuelbuta (Chile). Mundo Agrario, 13(26). Retrieved from