Genealogy of a rural elite: anthropological elucidation of a practice of power

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Valeria Hernández


In this article the notion of elite is examined as a conceptual tool to analyze the power relationships like they are build in the contemporary Argentinian agro-rural world. For this purpose we studied a specific group, the innovative entrepreneurs enrolled in the agribusiness model, assembled in Asociación Argentina de Productores en Siembra Directa (AAPRESID). Through the ethnographic material generated within the scope of an anthropological fieldwork (2003-2007), it will be analyzed the way in which the identity of elite as a legitimacy factor for the material and symbolic position occupied in the rural scenario


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Hernández, V. (2013). Genealogy of a rural elite: anthropological elucidation of a practice of power. Mundo Agrario, 13(26). Retrieved from