Dilemmas and discourses on the continuity of the Indian towns of La Rioja's jurisdiction under the Bourbon reforms

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Roxana Boixadós


The work approaches the challenges to the continuity of the towns of raised Indians of the Rioja from the speeches of civil employees, neighborsand you cure parish priests who marked the old native corporation like a "problem" throughout century XVIII. The policies implemented by the borbónica management aimed to obtain greater fiscal collection through periodic empadronamientos and you revisit that they on a par categorizaban to the population that evaluated of critical way the chaste relation between the tributary one and the rights to earth. Diverse proposals of transfers of population, "depopulated" earth leasing or closing threatened the continuity of the towns of Indians and generated different alternatives from chaste answer on the part of the tributary one.


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How to Cite
Boixadós, R. (2013). Dilemmas and discourses on the continuity of the Indian towns of La Rioja’s jurisdiction under the Bourbon reforms. Mundo Agrario, 13(25). Retrieved from https://www.mundoagrario.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/MAv13n25a07
Rural life in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in Latin America: indian villages