Innovation in Argentina's Poultry Nutrition and Health Industry: Strategies of Knowledge-intensive Business Services

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Leandro Lepratte
Rafael Blanc
Daniel Hegglin


The aim of the study was to analyze the innovation strategy of Argentine poultry nutrition and health firms between 2015-2018 to sustain themselves in globalized contexts. The main assumption was that the differences were given by the type of innovations and their relationships with other firms and institutions. By means of a survey, 40 firms in Argentina, of national and multinational origin, were studied from a systemic innovation approach. The conclusion was that the firms carried out different types of innovations, with significant differentiating characteristics, such as: the innovation in knowledge-intensive services, the type of export and the technological cooperation with universities.


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Lepratte, L., Blanc, R., & Hegglin, D. (2020). Innovation in Argentina’s Poultry Nutrition and Health Industry: Strategies of Knowledge-intensive Business Services. Mundo Agrario, 21(47), e145.


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