Peasant raw cheese production in the Arauco Gulf: retro-innovative processes towards socio-ecologically sustainability

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Beatriz Eugenia Cid Aguayo
Julien Vanhulst
Cristóbal Rojas


Using qualitative methods we analyze the processes of resistance and (retro) innovation built and defended by a community of raw cheese producers in the Gulf of Arauco (Chile); a territory marked by the monoculture forestry. Its existence and economic viability, challenges the forestry industry and the existing regulatory framework, particularly the hygienist norms of pausterization. We confirm the hypothesis that grazing and raw milk cheese production involve old and new knowledge and practices, allows territorial socioecological reproduction, and responds to the temporal complexity of peasant economies, articulating a network of producers, intermediaries and consumers.


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Cid Aguayo, B. E., Vanhulst, J., & Rojas, C. (2019). Peasant raw cheese production in the Arauco Gulf: retro-innovative processes towards socio-ecologically sustainability. Mundo Agrario, 20(44), e119.


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