Colonize in the peri-urban (1946-1966) Reseña de De Marco, Celeste. Colonizar en el periurbano. El caso de la Colonia Agrí­cola 17 de octubre- La Capilla, Florencio Varela, 1946-1966. Bernal: Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 2017.

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Ayelen Fiebelkorn


The historical research of Celeste De Marco reconstructs the first decades of operation of the agricultural colony October 17 (The Chapel) located in the rural area of ”‹”‹the Buenos Aires party of Florencio Varela. We will ponder here the main contributions of this new research published in 2017 by the University of Quilmes.


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How to Cite
Fiebelkorn, A. (2018). Colonize in the peri-urban (1946-1966): Reseña de De Marco, Celeste. Colonizar en el periurbano. El caso de la Colonia Agrí­cola 17 de octubre- La Capilla, Florencio Varela, 1946-1966. Bernal: Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 2017. Mundo Agrario, 19(41), e092.
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