Agrarian reform, land and territory: evolution in the thinking of La Via Campesina

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Peter Michael Rosset


The evolution of the thinking of the transnational rural social movement La Via Campesina over the past two decades, particularly concerning agrarian reform and the defense of land and territory, is analyzed from a participant-observer perspective. The rural world has changed, and the changes external to the movements, along with their internal dialogs and exchange of experiences, have generated new positions, strategies of struggle, consensuses and dilemmas.   Several issues are highlighted, such as the concept of territory, what to do with the land, relationships among actors who share territories, land occupations, titling, the state, and new rights.


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Rosset, P. M. (2016). Agrarian reform, land and territory: evolution in the thinking of La Via Campesina. Mundo Agrario, 17(35), e021. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Peter Michael Rosset, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR)

Investigador Titular

Departmento de Agricultura, Sociedad y Ambiente


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