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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission is original. It cannot have been published previously or be pending publication in another journal.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • A4 paper size (29,7 x 21 cm), 2,5 margin, unnumbered pages . The text is 1,5 spaced; Arial 12-point font used.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Authors Guidelines.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, instructions in File for double-blind peer review (Authors Guidelines) have been followed.
  • Los artículos con coautoría (2 o más autores) llevan la Declaración de autoría (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) o rol de colaboración de cada participante (disponible en http://vocabularios.caicyt.gov.ar/credit/es/index.php?tema=15&/roles-de-colaboracion o https://credit.niso.org/).

Mundo Agrario accepts unpublished works in Spanish, Portuguese, English or French. All manuscripts must be Word documents. The page size will be A4 (29.7 x 21 cm), portraits, 2.5 cm margins (left, right, top and bottom). Arial font, size 12 will be used, 1.5 line spacing, without page numbers. The number of pages allowed for a manuscript varies according to contribution type:

· Original and unpublished research articles: 30 pages
. Communications: 15 pages.
. Bibliographic reviews and reviews: 5 pages.

The text (including title, authors, filiation, etc.) should begin on the left margin. Use only regular fonts, avoiding block capitals, bold or italics, underlining text, except for the forms allowed for highlighting.

Two files must be submitted with the aforementioned standards. File one (1) with author/authors data and file two (2) prepared for double-blind peer review. This means without author data, autocite and institutional references.

File with author data
The article will include the title and the name of the author / authors. It will be preceded by a the following data:
A. Article title.
B. Translated title.
C. First and last name(s) of the author(s).
D. Email address of the author(s) and Institutional filiation.
E. CRediT o Contributor Roles Taxonomy (not for single author).

En el caso de más de un autor por artículo, se deberá incorporar la
Declaración de autoría o roles de colaboración(*) de cada integrante, es decir, el o los roles que cada autor cumple en la autoría del artículo, que puede ser diferente o la misma para cada uno, y puede ser mas de un rol en cada caso. [La definición de cada rol de colaboración (CRediT) se encuentra disponible en los siguientes sitios: http://vocabularios.caicyt.gov.ar/credit/es/index.php?tema=15&/roles-de-colaboracion o https://credit.niso.org].

(*) Mundo Agrario, desde el año 2024 y respondiendo a estándares internacionales, incorpora este nuevo requisito para todas aquellas postulaciones de más de un autor.

File for double-blind peer review
It will include:
A. Title.
B. Translated title.
C. Without author's name(s).
D. Replacing ALL author data, autocite and institutional’s references  with the following paragraph:
 extracted data  for evaluation purpose.

2. Title

A. The title should be representative of the content, not more than 10 words. If necessary, a subtitle of similar length can be added.

B. Translated title: if the title indicated in 2.a is in Spanish or Portuguese or French, an English translation will be added. If it is in English or French, a Spanish translation will be added.

3. Author/s

It shall state:
A. Author/s full name(s) and surname(s).
B. Filiation data (in extenso); using subscripts for each one.
C. Author’s/authors country.