Travail domestique et travail salarié des enfants dans le monde rural (le canton de Marines vers 1830)

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Fabrice Boudjaaba
Laurent Herment


In this article, using nominative census data of 1836 for 25 villages located at around 50 kilometers in the north of Paris, we examine who worked and who did not within each household. We focus on young women to assess the condition in which they entered the labor market without leaving their parents’ household. We think that such a gender approach can help us to assess the parameters which stimulate the entrance into labor market with reference to household composition, and the level of wealth of households. In the following section we first describe the sources we have used. In the second section we study the links between qualification of children and household composition. In the third section we propose a model to understand and assess the parameters which can explain the decision to enter the labor market. It appears that, in this society, the life cycle does not fully explain the behavior of young women. They are protected from an early entrance into labor market by several factors, among them the matrimonial status of the head of the household and the presence of a young older than 16 years (usually a brother). Finally, this approach allow us to reassess the extent and the reasons of the under-registration of women’s labor.


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Cómo citar
Boudjaaba, F., & Herment, L. (2017). Travail domestique et travail salarié des enfants dans le monde rural (le canton de Marines vers 1830). Mundo Agrario, 18(39), e068.
Dossier: El trabajo doméstico y sirviente en la Europa rural (SS. XVI-XIX). Diversidad de modelos regionales y formas de dependencia


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